Time to redraw the geopolitical borders

It’s time we face facts. Geopolitical borders are artificial constructs meant to change throughout our species’ history.

Syria, Iraq, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, Georgia (and …?) cartographic representations are up for grabs right now.

There’s room for profitable wargaming, too! Who’s up for thinning a few populations while we send our tired, our hungry, our poor to battle foes we need new propaganda campaigns to deface?

To arms, patriots! I have an investment portfolio to inflate while keeping the P/E ratio within nonspeculative limits.

My billionaire friends are currently sorting out a win-win solution that will lead us to create, strengthen and enforce new international laws while leaving room for our military-industrial complex to grow.

We need a state-sized terrorist group to conquer (an instantly-creatable enemy with no borders) and we now have sufficient evidence that you or your children are aiding and abetting the enemy. That means war on the homefront? We need more hidden internment camps? So be it.

Hahahahaha…..this new mental chess game is maniacally addictive.

Makes Mars exploration and settlement seem so far away…

If I don’t meditate soon…

There is a documented level of sleep deprivation that triggers mental loopiness.

I have cared for an elderly, ill cat going on five weeks now, rarely getting more than 30-45 minutes of continuous sleep at a time.

From a creativity perspective, I have benefited in this balance between loopiness and total madness, but from a rational “read and follow the instructions” workflow perspective, all but totally detrimental.

In conclusion, unless I get rest soon I see world war in the future mental chess match of mine which I hope does not interfere with my plans for living on Mars decades hence!

Adding The Report of Cannons to Your Canon Fodder

History is never how we remember it…

[ Personal or Collective ]


Before I go on, a nod to the folks in Napa Valley; seems not that long ago my wife and I toured the wineries there and in Sonoma, riding in a limousine, our driver a retired radio DJ who entertained us to no end (but sometimes a volume control knob would have been nice…lol); our limo partners were a female computer programmer for Gateway Computers (in South Dakota?) and her husband:





Who invented the submarine?



Who invented a lot of things your culture calls its own?





I want to write today but the noise in my head is excruciating (symptoms we call tinnitus, which I directly attribute to the five cans of Monkeynaut Ale I consumed at the Three Caves Concert Saturday night).  In its place, I study history, the jointly agreed-upon fable we call the narrative of our lives together as one species (before we branch out again):





















Dave Dean was my sponsor and a keynote speaker at the Southwestern Book Company national sales training (in 1983?).











Book authors share their stories/ideas:


They used to warn us about ‘Boris’ listening to our conversations

Times have changed.

When I first moved to Huntsville and began work on [xxx] program for the U.S. Government, we had frequent reminders, including wall posters, mimeographed memorandums (memorandi?) and special meetings with security personnel that ‘Boris’ had spies everywhere, even in a little ol’ sleepy cotton town nicknamed Rocket City, especially for those engineers who had actually handpicked cotton on farms when they were kids growing up in this area (yes, we’re only one generation removed from baling cotton by hand — ours is such a technologically-young spacebound species).

Who would have imagined we would depend on Russian rocket engines to launch sensitive U.S. military payloads into space?

Not Homer Hickam or Wernher Von Braun, surely.


And, what if a weapon was clearly, distinctly, discharged in a crowd, especially by a person with a known criminal record?

What then?

Would martial law allow anyone to be rounded up?

Are their limits your limits?

Probably not.

Who has the resources to protect their resources and their lifestyles more than you?

Did you pass the marshmallow test when you were a toddler? Could you pass it now?

For those who excel in delayed gratification, are there winners and losers?

On which side is right? On which side might? Where do the two meet and for how long?

Please don’t let your temporal concerns interfere with Earth’s plan to repopulate the galaxy.

Interference is a nuisance.

Nuisance is criminal.

Need I make it more level with this wood shaver, more plain with a plane?

Pop culture has little in the way of permanent value except as recyclable distraction.

Gnats have short, forgotten lives…

Do you remember the history of “Tammany Hall” riots?

Are you doomed to repeat history of sweeping out urban areas with riot gear due to clearly-defined rules of engagement?

Freedoms are rights in relative circumstances, not privileges or guarantees.

Post-project analysis: lessons learned from WWI?

From Sagittarius Rising, 1936, by Cecil Lewis (Cecil Arthur Lewis MC was a British fighter pilot who flew in World War I. He went on to co-found the British Broadcasting Company and enjoy a long career as a writer):

But when the world did wake up to the dangers of the air, it woke up with a shudder of horror.  No wonder.  Frontiers were gone.  Security was gone.  No man could hope for peace or prosperity under the threat of a violent death.  The days of wars were over: massacre had taken their place, wholesale massacre of the community in which children would retch their lives away, women would be blinded, and men powerless to protect or succour.  The end of civilization was in sight.

Yet, faced with annihilation, what did the world do?  Those far from the immediate focus of danger washed their hands of the problem, or used the preoccupation of their rivals as a good opportunity to grab what they could.  Others, nearer at hand, talked piously, earnestly (and interminably) of Collective Security, and used the time so gained to pile up armaments behind their backs.  The voice of the people was never heard; the dictators, the press, the armament rings had muzzled all opposition.  Greed and Power disposed of the human destiny, while mankind cowered like a rabbit hypnotized by a snake.

In our own country, one of the few where freedom of speech and some civilized instincts remained, governments fought a losing game against others who broke pledges, treaties, or any code of human decency whenever it suited them.  Though the days of nationalism and isolationism were manifestly over, we were forced into an armaments race in the vain hope that it might afford us some protection.  Vain hope because, in the air, equality of armaments gave no protection.  An army could stop an army, a fleet a fleet; but a thousand aeroplanes could not stop a thousand enemy aeroplanes.  Wire netting would not keep the flies out.  Both would get through to their objectives. The effect of increasing air armaments was simply to multiply the horrors that would be loosed on the civil populations.  And they would not even have the satisfaction of seeing their own men avenge the raiders by taking at least the life of the enemy pilot, for there need be no men in those machines, they can be controlled by wireless; their destruction will mean nothing; they will go on coming day and night.

To-day the voice of no man, or no one country, can save Europe (and after the whole civilized world) from imminent destruction.  If we cannot collectively rise above our narrow nationalism, the vast credits of wealth, wisdom and art produced by Western civilization will be wiped out.  If we really want peace and security, we must pool our resources, disarm, and set up an international air police force, federally controlled.  That force must be as incorruptible, free from bias and self-interest, and devoted to law and order as our civil police are to-day.  There is no other way.

. . .

It is a fight between intellect and appetite, between the international idea and armaments.  The latter will probably win the first two or three rounds; but, if civilization is to survive, the idea must win in the end.  Meanwhile, if a few million people have to die violent deaths, that cannot be helped.  Nature is exceedingly wasteful.

. . .

Of all this were were daily spectators, creatures of another element, lending ourselves to things beneath us, and the actual physical aspect of this relation educed in me (since the Western Front was my University and I must needs graduate with some self-taught degree) an attitude to life itself.

The fixity with which men pursued immediate trivialities alarmed and disgusted me.  The magnitude of the effort spent on daily futilities was too awful to be faced; it was a sort of St Vitus dance, bound to end in exhaustion. The mentality of the post-war years was no different from that of the war itself — an obsession to take the next objective, whether you wanted it or not, whether you were any better off when you got it or not, whether you and any idea of where to go next or not.  It gave men the illusion they were getting somewhere, doing something, when, in reality, they were floundering deeper and deeper into chaos.  Civilization, I vaguely realized then — and subsequent observation has confirmed the view — could not progress that way.  It must have a greater guiding principle to survive.  To treat it as a carcase [sic] off which each man tears as much as he can for himself, is to stand convicted as a brute, fit for nothing better than a jungle existence, which is a death-struggle, leading nowhither.  I did not believe that was the human destiny, for Man individually was sane and reasonable, only collectively was he a fool.

We needed effort, not greater in quantity, but other in quality; a different point of view, a new perspective, a more constant aim, co-ordinating and co-relating circumstances and conditions for the general good.  Men with such faculties existed; but they were scarcely listened to, for the conditions under which they would undertake to pilot us to safety demanded heavy sacrifice and drastic change — both utterly abhorrent to those who could not see the danger they were in.